Monday, January 2, 2012

...All Things Kardashian

I'm watching the Bachelor for some ungodly reason, skyping with my Georgian friend Aimee, and texting non-stop. You would think I would stop multi-tasking at least to sit down and write this. But no. The Bachelor is driving me the nuts and the women are CraZy!

I finished my first book of the new year last night! It was: Kris Jenner...and All Things Kardashian. You will learn that I love the Kardashian/Jenner family. Last Christmas I received "Kardashian Konfidential". This Christmas I received Kris' book and "Dollhouse" written by the 3 Kardashian sisters. A little obsessed? Maybe. Kris' book was amazingly written. She talked about her whole life and even more about O.J. and Nicole Brown Simpson. It was strange to read about Nicole's life and how guilty O.J. looks just by her account. I don't remember much of the murder but from what I do remember is that he was guilty. Kris quoted Nicole in her book, "He is going to kill me and get away with it." and he basically did. But I do believe in karma. Anyway, I would love to meet the Kardashian's and live their life for a few days. Or marry Rob. Which ever comes first.

Today would be day two of the Photo Challenge. Today's photo is of {Breakfast}. This was mine:
Yup. Diet Coke and a Biscotti.
Not the normal breakfast I usually have, but this was today. It was also a late breakfast.
Tomorrow's will be better but the challenge wanted the picture today.
Oh well!!

I wasn't as productive today as I was yesterday and its back to work tomorrow. But a 3 day work week sounds fab! Hope your new year is going great! I gotta get myself squared away before the season premier of Intervention begins in 20 minutes! Anyone else watching? 

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