Sunday, January 8, 2012

Baker...Crafter...all in one day.

Hello again friends! I've taken a little break from writing this blog all week because of a few reasons. I've realized how many people I can trust and I'm not sure how my words are being translated to other people. But. I've decided that know who I am and what I believe in. If people do not like that then that's their issue and they can deal with it. This is my motto:

No one is control of your happiness but YOU; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or life that you want to change. -Barbara de Angelis

I've changed my life to where I want to be and I love it. So basically, if you are reading this because you support me and just want to, I thank you. If you are reading this for all the wrong reasons, you can stop now.

With that said, lets get on with the show!

I've been so busy today, I don't think I've stopped until now. I helped my mom re-organize cabinets. We received so much food from my grandma's house when she passed, that the cabinets were over flowing and driving me insane! The first thing I stumbled upon was the peanut butter....
Yep...That's five. Two were empty and we decided that my brother just placed them back into the cabinet because "there was just a tiny bit left". One had been missing in all of the mess. So we are now down to three jars. The next thing I stumbled on was the baking soda and powder.
There were 4 baking soda's, 3 baking powders, and 2 Hershey's cocoa. The next thing was four bottles of ketchup. Then 5 boxes of Macaroni and Cheese, and then 4 big boxes of raisins. Now again, I state that most of this was combined between our stash and my grandma's stash. This is what the kitchen looked like while I was re-organizing.

It was a beast but once it was all straightened out, re-figured, and things thrown away, it looked like this:
After I finished my reorganization I had to run to Farm and Fleet to get chalkboard paint for my next project. I decided for dessert, I would make Cake Pops. So, I ran to Wal-Mart also and got the cake mix. I came home and went to work. I started making the cake pops. You start by making a normal cake like usual.
While the cake was baking I finished a few other jobs.
First I finished spray painting one pan and putting chalkboard paint on another pan.
My pink pan has had some issues with the spray paint. Its from Wal-Mart so, of-course, that is why its gross.
I'm going to use this as a magnet board for work. This pan was "practice" pan. 
Then I sprayed the pizza pan with chalkboard paint and it looks awesome! I can wait to bring it to the classrooms!
The grass ended up looking like this...
Yesterday, my second cousin from Peoria sent blocks home with her mom for me. I picked them up and I've never been so excited for three huge black trash bags! My kids are going to LOVE the blocks!
I received two kinds:
The first was a set of wooden ones. I have some already that I can add to it and I now have an awesome set of wooden blocks!
The other set are the cardboard bricks that I love!
Gotta love my family members that have helped me out so much! My aunt gave me three puzzles last night also and I love those! I love having a reason to have toys!
So after the spray painting fun, I still had time before the cake was done baking. My brother has been crying and begging me to make him puppy chow. So I did.
I'm a great sister.
Once it was baked, I let it cool for about 10 minutes.
Once it was cool enough to touch, I started to crumble it into a bowl.
After it was crumbled, I added half a container of frosting. You have to mix it with your hands and then form them into balls and place on a pan. Then freeze the balls for an hour so they form.
I stuck a stick in them hoping they would form to the stick also.
After an hour, I melted semi-sweet chocolate chips and white chocolate chips.
The white chocolate didn't melt normally, so I ended up not using it.
I then dipped the sticks in the chocolate.
Then I added sprinkles.
I froze them for another hour to two hours until we ate them.
3 out of 4 loved them! The one person that thought they were "fine" said they were too rich.
But I disagree.

After my baking extravaganza, I decided to reorganize the hall pantry. It didn't have as many jars of peanut butter but I made it more functional.
This is before: 
 This is after:

After this, I was exhausted and done for the night.

I realized that since I took this little break from writing, that I am far behind in my photo challenge. I figure I will catch up on that tomorrow but I will do the third picture today. It is to be of
 {Something that you adore}
This is Payton. She is attached to my hip this weekend and loves to sleep by me. 
I think she is very happy that I am home again.
I don't know what she will do when/if I move into the new house...

I have been loving my life since I've moved back and this week was even better. I'm a strong believer in "Everything happens for a reason" and I know moving back was the best reason for me.

Well friends, thanks for reading once again, I hope it was worth your time. I'm going to finish watching Kourtney and Kim take New York since this is the episode where things start to go down with Kris. I love the Kardashians! I'm also off to go find my car keys since they have been lost since...oh maybe Monday. Thank goodness that I have a spare key! I hope you all have a great week!

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