Sunday, January 1, 2012

Oh hey! It's January!

So I'm sitting here in my half organized room watching Teen Mom 2, waiting for Kourtney and Kim Take New York and I realized that it is January! Happy New Years to everyone that may read this and your family! I've been pretty productive these past two days and its kinda not right!

I was cooking up a storm last night! I made french bread pizza~ complete with sausage, tomatoes, and onions~ for dinner last night. Of course it was amazing! My brother's chipped in and made bean dip and burgers. A strange concoxtion, I know. We were stuffed from dinner and watched the sickest movie of the weekend: Straw Dogs. Just at the point where I couldn't take it anymore, I decided to bake cookies since my mom has a huge stash of white chocolate chips in the pantry. But the movie drew me back in, so I finished watching the movie and then began to bake up the chewiest white chocolate chips I've made to date. I think I added too many white chocolate chips, but thats not a big deal! I swore my brothers to secretcy so that no one knew I cooked a fabulous meal but they don't listen and now the whole family knows I can cook the best pizza.

I've been an organizing fool today also! I organized 2 closets today: the one in my room and the one outside of my bathroom. I've decided to hang new things on my wall and I've started with taking off the shelves I got in high school and replaced them with a large picture that I got from my grandma's. There are some nail holes in the wall still, but those will be fixed at a later date! I also hung a mirror and a picture frame. I tried to display my DVD collection in a different way...but that didn't work out so well. That is my work in progress. I'm really liking this organization that I have right now and I'm hoping that it sticks with me!

I've decided that I'm going to take part in: A Photo a Day Challenge for January 2012. The first photo is {January 1st} A photo of yourself. This is my picture:
This is me and Arden on Christmas Eve.

I've also almost finished my first book of this year today. I'll fill you in on it once I finish the last 3 chapters.
Over this past summer I read the best book "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. I was waiting paitently to go see the movie once it came out in August. My friend Aimee and I wanted to see it but we had a very small problem that she lives in Georgia and I live in Illinois. A few people said they would go with me but it never happened. So while I was at Wal-Mart the other day, I saw the DVD on sale. I bought it, came home and watched it. I loved it! It followed the book as much as possible. A few things were changed but they were changed in the way I thought it should have been written in the first place :)

I am now watching Kourtney and Kim (If you know me, you know how much I love the Kardashian family) and I really want to slap Kris Humphries for being so dumb ( would agree).

I'm off to continue organizing, reading or just to watch reality tv to end my first day of 2012! I hope everyone is enjoying the things I have to write! Let me know your feelings! Again, Happy New Year!!

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