Saturday, April 7, 2012

Back at it

It's occurred to me today that I havn't updated this blog in a few months. I've been a bit busy with life and so have my toddlers! So here is an update on what we have been doing/ what's been added to the classroom!

One of my classes LOVE's to sing "We're going on a bear hunt". If you know the song, you know how fun it can be. Well, my awesome boss and I decided to make a real bear hunt and have the children go on a hunt. We started by going through the tall wavy grass made out of streamers.
Then we went through the thick, gooey mud which was made out of corn starch and water (other wise known as Oobleck to some of you)

This is what the paw prints looked like when we went on our hunt.
Tablecloths were added for extra protection for the carpet's sake :)
Then we went through the cold, deep lake.
This got dangerous. A few of us fell into the lake.
We then went to the cave and found beanie baby bears. 
But, of course, I didn't get a picture of the cave.

A few decorations/materials have been added to the rooms.
First, and my most exciting one, would have to be The Very Hungry Caterpillar
He is a little deformed here, but that's no big deal!
The next one is crayons with different shades to show each color.
They are just paint samples from Wal-Mart.
I didn't do one for white. Anyone think I should?

I also made a fine motor canister that does't look this good any more.
I need to make a new one...maybe later.
I used a pringles can, and I won't go into detail on how I got the holes in the lid....
Next time I'm going to use an ice pick. I also used pipe cleaners cut in different lengths, and used paper reinforcers that were colored to match each color of pipe cleaner. It's worked out great and the children love it! Also for next time, hot gluing the scrapbook paper onto the pringles can.

We have painted in a few different ways.
First is Giant Marshmallow painting.
I liked this one. It's hanging in the classroom.

Then we painted with toilet paper rolls with paper towels wrapped around them for extra textures.

We've walked on a road made of tape. Our cars also drove on it.

Water beads have been one of our favorites!
They start out this small:
Grow a bit to this:
Then after about 4-6 hours they look like this:
A couple notes on this one. Don't put pink water beads with green or blue. They will turn green or blue. 
These things are bouncier than a bouncy ball and you'll find them days later.
They also squish easily. And watch that the children don't try to eat them.

I did another crayon art for my friend Kelly.
Her's turned out like this:

If you don't know, I despise cooking. It's stressful, always fails, takes too long, etc.
But I did make stuffed avocados made with tomatoes, bell peppers, garlic, onion and cilantro.
It was fantastic!

Moving on to the past two days, I've been a bit crafty.
Yesterday, I made an Easter Vase:
There are chocolate egg's at the bottom, peep bunnies in the middle, then the gigantic flowers!

Between yesterday and today, I worked on these two paintings since I had a few canvas's hanging out in my room. I felt the need to paint them.

Then my favorite one to make.

Alright. So this should hold everyone for the next couple of months, right?
I'll try to be better on showing all of my creations more often!
Have a great Easter!